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McDonald County, Missouri History and GenealogyMore than 200 pages of McDonald County, Missouri history and genealogy including 82 family biographies plus 24 McDonald County, Missouri communities on 4 different mapsAn informative and historical overview of McDonald County, Missouri history and genealogy including six separate books on one CD which include 4 historical map views (1851, 1913, 1920's and 1929), plus more than 150 post card views in full color and at full size, plus more than 140 full color photos of McDonald County, plus the full McDonald County section from the book: Goodspeed's History of McDonald County, Missouri originally published in 1888, plus a photo guide and history of the famed Ginger Blue Lodge. An important resource for the study and research of McDonald County, Missouri genealogy and history (including the Civil War)All for as little as $6.95! Details below. Fully searchable - find any name or location instantly!This fascinating and detailed CD contains ALL of the following material in six separate sections, ALL on one CD :Section One of six,
ALL on one CD: Maps of McDonald County, Missouri B. A map of 1913 McDonald County showing the locations of 21 different settlements including all of the following: Anderson * Bethpage * Caverna * Coy * Cyclone * Erie * Goodman * Hart * Jane * Lanagan * May * McNatt * Mountain * Noel * Pineville * Powell * Rocky Comfort * Saratoga * Simcoe * Southwest City * Splitlog * Tiff City. C. A map from the 1920's which includes details of where various tourist sites and service stations were located. D. A 1929 map from the Missouri Department of Transportation. You will be amazed at how many of the major routes were only dirt or gravel! An 1904 map of McDonald County can be viewed here: McDonald County, Missouri 1904 Map Section Two of six,
ALL on one CD: McDonald County, Missouri in 1913 Section Three of six, ALL on one CD: Postcard Views of McDonald
County, Missouri. Section Four of six,
ALL on one CD: A pictorial view of McDonald County, Missouri.
Section Five of six,
ALL on one CD: An historical and pictorial view of Ginger Blue Lodge. Section Six of six,
ALL on one CD: The complete 1888 Goodspeed's History of McDonald County,
Missouri. Here is just some of the information included:
Included is a 65 page biographical section with family biographies (valuable
for genealogy) for each of the
following family surnames:
To view a sample
biography, click here In addition to those listed above, more than 1000 other family surnames are made mention of in the text of the book. Among the other family surnames included are the following (please note that this only a partial listing, there are many more family surnames included that are not listed here): Abbott * Abels * Adair * Adams * Adamson * Adkins * Aker * Akers * Alexander * Alien * Allen * Allison * Amos * Anders * Anderson * Appleby * Archer * Armstrong * Arnell * Arterburn * Asbell * Asboth * Astley * Atchley * Austin * Auxier * Babcock * Baber * Bacon * Baich * Bailey * Baker * Baldock * Baler * Ballard * Banks * Bard * Barker * Barkley * Barlow * Barnes * Barr * Barrett * Barringer * Bartin * Barton * Bass * Bates * Batten * Batton * Baxter * Bay * Beaver * Beavers * Beckwith * Bedell * Bedwell * Beeman * Bell * Bena * Benedict * Benham * Benna * Bennet * Bennett * Benton * Bergen * Berner * Berry * Betts * Betz * Bible * Biffle * Biggs * Biler * Bill * Bing * Birch * Bird * Birge * Bisherers * Bixey * Blackburn * Blair * Blakely * Blame * Blanchard * Bland * Blankenship * Blevens * Blevins * Blick * Blunt * Blythe * Boan * Bogard * Bolen * Boles * Bomer * Bondurst * Bone * Bonebrake * Bookout * Boon * Boone * Booth * Boothe * Bosnell * Boughmer * Boyd * Boyden * Boyer * Boyle * Brace * Bradbury * Bradfute * Bradley * Braithwait * Bratton * Brattow * Bray * Breathwait * Breidlove * Breshears * Brewer * Brewster * Briam * Bridge * Briggs * Britton * Brock * Brodie * Brodwell * Brook * Brooks * Brotherton * Brown * Browning * Bruch * Brunk * Bryan * Bryant * Bryson * Buchanan * Budd * Buff * Bullard * Bullington * Bullock * Bunch * Bunting * Burch * Burdette * Burgen * Burgess * Burke * Burnett * Burns * Burton * Bush * Buster * Butcher * Butler * Buzzard * Cagle * Cake * Caldwell * Callison * Camp * Campbell * Cantwell * Carleton * Carlyle * Carmix * Carney * Carpenter * Carr * Carroll * Carstarphan * Carter * Carver * Casbeer * Cash * Castle * Catlin * Caudell * Caudill * Caulk * Cavenaugh * Chambers * Chancy * Chaney * Chapman * Chase * Cheak * Chenault * Chenoweth * Chick * Childers * Childs * Chism * Christian * Clanton * Clark * Clay * Cleck * Clements * Cleveland * Click * Clinton * Cloud * Cloyd * Coburn * Cochrane * Cockerill * Coffee * Coffman * Cole * Coleman * Collins * Colloway * Colvin * Combes * Combs * Commins * Comstock * Conklin * Connice * Conrad * Cook * Cooley * Copp * Cordill * Corlett * Corum * Cotter * Couch * Covert * Covey * Cowan * Cox * Craigh * Crain * Crane * Craven * Cravens * Crawforb * Crawford * Crawshaw * Creighton * Cresson * Crispin * Crittenden * Crockett * Crook * Crosby * Cross * Crow * Crumbaugh * Crutchfield * Cullers * Culley * Culp * Cummings * Cunningham * Curry * Curtice * Curtis * Dabbs * Dailey * Daily * Dale * Dallener * Dar Feese * Darnell * Davenport * Davidson * Davis * De Groff * De Witt * Dean * Debolt * Deel * DeGraff * DeGroff * Dehaven * Denham * Denney * Dennis * Denton * Depue * Derrick * Derwitt * Deshazer * Dexter * Dickenson * Dickerson * Dickey * Diggs * Dillin * Dillon * Dixon * Dobbs * Dodson * Dolsen * Donica * Doty * Doud * Doughton * Down * Drexell * Drye * Duerin * Duesenbery * Duff * Duffield * Duggan * Duncan * Dunegan * Dunnegan * Dustin * Duval * Dwyer * Dye * Eagle * East * Ebinghaus * Edelin * Edmiston * Edmonds * Edwards * Egy * Elbridge * Elderkin * Eliff * Elkins * Elliff * Ellifl * Elliott * Ellis * Elrod * Eltzroth * Elzey * Embry * English * Eoff * Epperson * Erwin * Estes * Evans * Evins * Falkenbury * Farmer * Farrier * Faucett * Faulkner * Faurat * Faurot * Fausett * Fayaux * Feese * Fench * Fenix * Ferguson * Ferrier * Ferris * Ferry * Fields * Filler * Finch * Finer * Fink * Finkelnburg * Fiscus * Fletcher * Flinn * Flynn * Foley * Force * Ford * Foreman * Foster * Fourt * Fowler * Fox * Frazier * Frederick * Freeman * Fremont * French * Friend * Frizzill * Frost * Frye * Fulkerson * Fuller * Fullerton * Fulton * Fyan * Gable * Gaibraith * Gaither * Galaher * Galaway * Galbraith * Gallagher * Gamble * Gangloff * Gann * Gant * Garfield * Garner * Garrett * Garrison * Gear * Gelashy * Gentry * Gibbs * Gibhony * Gibson * Gilbert * Gillum * Gilmore * Gilstrap * Gist * Givens * Gladstone * Glasebrook * Glover * Godfrey * Golden * Gonce * Gooden * Goodin * Goodrich * Goodwin * Goodykoontz * Gorton * Goss * Gouldy * Grabill * Grace * Grammer * Grant * Grau * Gray * Greeley * Green * Greene * Greenwood * Gresham * Griffey * Griffin * Grigg * Grimes * Grogan * Gross * Grove * Grubb * Guion * Gullett * Guthrie * Hackleman * Hackney * Hackwith * Haddock * Hagan * Hail * Hale * Haleman * Hales * Hall * Halleck * Hallman * Hambleton * Hamblin * Hamilton * Hamlin * Hammer * Hammons * Hampton * Hancock * Hanna * Hannon * Hansberger * Harbison * Hardee * Hardin * Harding * Hardwick * Hardy * Hargrove * Hargroves * Harlan * Harlin * Harmon * Harness * Harp * Harper * Harris * Harrison * Hart * Hartman * Harty * Haskins * Hastings * Hatfield * Haven * Havens * Hawkins * Hayden * Hayes * Hays * Haywood * Hayworth * Hazeltine * Healy * Hearrel * Hearrell * Hebert * Hedges * Heffleman * Hegler * Helm * Helms * Hembree * Henden * Hendersen * Henderson * Hendrick * Hendricks * Hendry * Henry * Henshaw * Hensley * Heraldson * Hernden * Herrin * Herron * Hess * Hevalison * Hewson * Hickey * Hickox * Hicks * Hill * Hindman * Hinds * Hinson * Hinton * Hire * Hoaght * Hodge * Hodges * Hoff * Hoffelman * Hoffman * Hogan * Hogue * Holabaugh * Holcomb * Holden * Holland * Hollaway * Holloway * Holman * Holmes * Holobaugh * Holt * Hood * Hooper * Hoover * Hope * Hopkin * Hopkins * Hopper * Horne * Houghton * House * Howard * Howe * Howeth * Hubbard * Hubbert * Huchison * Huckins * Hudson * Huff * Huffaker * Hufford * Hughes * Humphreys * Humphry * Hunt * Hunter * Hurley * Hutchinson * Hutchison * Irwin * Ivie * Jackson * James * Jameson * January * Jarratt * Jasper * Jayne * Jeffers * Jeffries * Jenks * Jennings * Jent * Jobe * Johnsey * Johnson * Johnston * Jones * Jonsey * Joslyn * Judson * Judy * Julian * Karr * Keele * Keeler * Keenan * Kelibrew * Kellan * Kellar * Keller * Kelley * Kelly * Kelsey * Kelso * Keltner * Kemp * Kennedy * Kenney * Kenny * Key * Keyran * Kimbrough * Kincannon * King * Kinney * Kirby * Kirk * Klenk * Knapp * Kneeland * Knowles * Krespach * Kunkel * Kunze * La Mance * Ladd * Lamance * Lamb * Lamberson * Lamping * Lamson * Landers * Lane * Langford * Langley * Lanier * Lanius * Lankford * Lathim * Latta * Lattick * Latty * Lauderdale * Laudrule * Laughlin * Lawson * Lay * Leach * Lee * Leeper * Leflett * Legg * Lesley * Lettick * Levy * Lewis * Lincoln * Lindsey * Link * Linley * Linton * Littick * Lively * Livesay * Lloyd * Loftin * Logan * Long * Louderdale * Love * Lovelace * Lowe * Lumbert * Lyon * Madden * Maddox * Madison * Magee * Mahan * Mahany * Mahew * Maidt * Malin * Maness * Maniss * Mann * Manness * Manning * Manns * Manter * Manus * Marcum * Mare * Margeson * Marmaduke * Mars * Marshall * Martin * Marton * Massey * Massy * Maszaros * Matern * Matlock * Matney * Matteson * Matthews * Mattox * Maxfield * Maxwell * May * Mayfield * Mayfleld * Mayhew * Maynard * McAfee * McAnnally * McAntor * McBee * McBellingsley * McBride * McCall * McCarthy * McCauley * McClendin * McClure * McClurg * McComb * McConnell * McCrae * McCreedy * McCrerry * McCulloch * McDaniel * McDonald * McElhany * McFarlane * McGee * McGhee * McGrath * McGraw * McGregor * McGuire * McHarn * McIntosh * McIntyre * McKay * McKinley * McKinney * McKinny * McKinson * McLeod * McMahon * McMaster * McMillan * McMillen * McMurthry * McNatt * McPhee * McRea * McReynolds * Meaders * Meador * Meadows * Menand * Meranda * Merrifield * Miller * Milligan * Mills * Millsaps * Mitchell * Mittings * Mizer * Moffat * Moffatt * Moffett * Moffitt * Monroe * Montague * Montgomery * Mooney * Moore * Morgan * Morgans * Morney * Morris * Morrison * Morrow * Morton * Mosier * Moss * Muir * Munden * Munroe * Muny * Murphy * Muskrat * Nance * Neal * Neeley * Neely * Neilly * Nelson * Newell * Newman * Newport * Newson * Nicely * Nicholas * Nichols * Nicholson * Nickles * Niel * Noble * Noel * Norris * North * Northcutt * Norton * Noyers * Nutting * O?Day * O?Dowd * Oakley * Oaks * Oldham * Oliver * Osterhaus * Ousley * Owen * Owens * Owsley * Oyler * P1umlee * Packwood * Page * Painter * Palmer * Parcell * Parker * Parkinson * Parks * Parrish * Parsons * Partridge * Pascoe * Patterson * Paul * Payne * Payton * Pea * Pearson * Peaster * Peck * Peel * Peevey * Peffer * Pelty * Pemon * Pendergraft * Pepper * Perkins * Perry * Peters * PeTit * Pettigrew * Phelps * Phenix * Phillips * Pickett * Pickle * Pierce * Pike * Pinson * Piper * Plater * Pleasanton * Plumlee * Plummer * Poague * Poe * Pogue * Poison * Polk * Pollard * Polson * Pope * Potter * Powell * Prater * Pratt * Preston * Price * Prigmore * Prottsman * Puckett * Pyles * Quantrell * Quarles * Raby * Radcliff * Rains * Ramsey * Randall * Randolph * Ray * Reaburn * Reagan * Reasonbeck * Reece * Reed * Regney * Reinhardt * Reinhart * Remington * Renegar * Requa * Reynolds * Rhodes * Rice * Rich * Richard * Richards * Richardson * Richey * Richters * Rickman * Ridenour * Rielly * Riggs * Riley * Ritchey * Ritter * Roach * Roark * Roberson * Roberts * Robertson * Robinson * Roden * Rodgers * Rogers * Roller * Rolley * Rose * Roseberry * Rosebury * Ross * Roth * Rouslay * Rowan * Rowe * Ruark * Rudicil * Ruel * Ruff * Rusk * Russel * Russell * Rutheford * Rutherford * Rutledge * Ryan * Sanders * Santley * Sappington * Sauxay * Sawyer * Scanlon * Schell * Schenk * Schofield * Schriner * Scott * Seabourn * Seaman * Seamister * Sean * Sears * Selby * Sellers * Sevier * Seymour * Shambaugh * Sharp * Shelby * Shelley * Shelly * Shelton * Shepherd * Sherer * Sherman * Shields * Shilly * Shipley * Shipman * Shobe * Shorthill * Shumake * Sides * Sidway * Sigel * Siglin * Simms * Skaggs * Skegs * Skinner * Slack * Slinkard * Sloan * Smart * Smartt * Smith * Smithston * Smythe * Sobieski * Sorrell * Sorrells * Southward * Sparkman * Speak * Spears * Spencer * Splitlog * Spring * Springer * St. John * Stacey * Stafford * Staffords * Staley * Stallcup * Stamp * Starkey * Starnes * Starns * Stearns * Steele * Stegall * Stellins * Stephens * Stephenson * Sterrett * Stevens * Stevenson * Stewart * Still * Stimson * Stinnett * Stinson * Stites * Stoffon * Stoft * Stoggsdill * Stone * Stoneman * Stout * Street * Stringfield * Strong * Struther * Struthers * Struvell * Stults * Sturgiss * Surginor * Sutherland * Sutter * Swall * Swar * Swift * Tacker * Taggard * Talbott * Tanner * Tappana * Tatum * Taylor * Teague * Teel * Tennison * Terry * Testerman * Thacker * Tharp * Thomas * Thomason * Thompson * Thomson * Thornton * Thrasher * Thurman * Tibbits * Tilden * Tillery * Tiner * Tipton * Tocker * Tolivar * Tompkins * Totum * Towery * Tracy * Trader * Trent * Tucker * Turley * Turner * Tyner * Tyre * Underwood * Unseld * Van Dorn * Vance * Vanderpool * Vandever * Vanpool * Vermillion * Vertreece * Vestal * Voerde * Von Kielmansegge * Von Leporin * Votaw * Waddill * Wade * Wages * Wagoner * Walker * Wallace * Walling * Walser * Walsh * Walter * Walters * Ward * Ware * Warmack * Warren * Washington * Wasson * Watie * Watkins * Watt * Wear * Weaver * Webb * Weems * Weigel * Weigell * Welch * Wells * Wesson * West * Wheat * Wheeler * Whinery * White * Whitehead * Whiting * Whitley * Whitlock * Whitman * Whitten * Wier * Wiley * Wilkerson * Wilkins * Williams * Williamson * Wills * Wilson * Wimpey * Wimpy * Winn * Winstead *Winter * Winters * Winton * Wisdom * Withrow * Wood * Woodard * Woodruff * Woods * Woodson * Woodward * Woolard * Woolsey * Wooten * Workman * Worthington * Wright * Wylee * Yancy * Yanderpool * Yeaman * Yearman * Yecker * Yocum * Yonce * Young * Zook * McDonald County is located in the southwestern corner of the Missouri Ozarks and is bordered by the following counties: Newton County, Missouri * Barry County, Missouri * Benton County, Arkansas * Delaware County, Oklahoma * and Ottawa County, Oklahoma (click on highlighted county names for a complete description)
This CD is also available as a high speed internet download. SAVE $$: The download is only $5.95 ($4.00 less than the CD plus no shipping charges!) Please read important details here before ordering as a download: High Speed Download . Use the ADD TO CART button BELOW to order as a download: McDonald County, Missouri Census records are also now available: McDonald County, Missouri Census Records To view a complete list of Missouri County History and Genealogy CDs available, click here: Missouri Counties Wholesale rates are available. For details, click here: Wholesale Rates |
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