Is The Mail Too Slow For You? All of our individual county history CDs are now also available by fast and easy internet download rather than by mail delivery. * * * * Digital download purchases placed between 10 AM and 9 PM Central Time Zone are normally sent in about one hour on weekdays and Saturday. Digital download purchases on Sunday or Holidays can be delayed by 4 hours or more. * * * * Here is how it works:All of our CD products (except Census CD/DVDs and Multi-County DVDs) are available for download. The downloaded files are identical to the files on the CDs. SAVE! All downloads are $3.00 to $5.00 less than the same shipped CD plus download purchases have no shipping charges. You must have a high speed internet connection, dial up connections are too slow to use for large file downloads. If you place your order via the shopping cart on the website, use the bottom "ADD TO CART" button on the page. You may also place your order by phone to (816) 204-7593. Be sure to specify that you wish to receive the files by download instead of by mail. We will also need your email address. After you have placed your order, you will receive an email with a link to download the files. You will normally receive this email within about one hour (usually much less) of when you place your order. The files can then be immediately downloaded after you have received the link. Only the link to download the files is sent to your email. Since this is only a link, there are no email size limitations to worry about. If you have not received the link within a reasonable amount of time, please check your email spam folder. We can be reached at (816) 204-7593 if you have any questions. * * * Digital download purchases placed between 10 AM and 9 PM Central Time Zone are normally sent in about one hour on weekdays and Saturday. Digital download purchases on Sunday or Holidays can be delayed by 4 hours or more. * * * LimitationsPlease note that this is a somewhat manual process in that we must upload the individual files before they can be downloaded. This is why it is normally about one hour (although usually much less) before you will be able to download the files. Since the files must be manually uploaded, only orders placed between 10 AM and 9 PM central time zone, Monday thru Saturday will be immediately uploaded. Orders placed after 9 PM central time zone may not be uploaded until the following morning. Orders placed on Sunday or holidays may be delayed but will be sent as soon as possible and normally within four hours or less. Despite these limitations, you will receive the files much faster than waiting for a package to arrive by mail. Questions?We can be reached by phone (between 10 AM and 9 PM CST) at (816) 204-7593 or anytime by email at admin@hearthstonelegacy.com
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