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Madison County,
Illinois History, Genealogy, and Maps
1876 pages of history and genealogy
for Madison County, Illinois including 1041 family
An informative and historical overview of Madison County,
Illinois including three separate sections on one CD which include the full 1882
History of Madison County, Illinois book published by W. R.
Brink including
242 family biographies; plus
the full 1912 Centennial History of Madison County, Illinois and Its People
book published by The Lewis Publishing Company which includes 799 family
biographies in Madison County, Illinois. Between these two scarce
and out of print books, a total of 1876 pages and 1041 family biographies are
included plus references to more than 10,000 individuals;
the 1906 Plat Map Book of Madison County, Illinois.
An important resource for the study and research of
Madison County, Illinois history and genealogy.
searchable - find any name or location instantly!
This fascinating and detailed CD contains ALL of the following material in
separate sections, ALL on one CD:
Section One of
three, all on one CD: The 1882 History of Madison County, Illinois by W. R. Brink
This detailed (669 pages in all) book has an incredible amount of historical
and genealogical information
about Madison County, Illinois from its earliest settlement up to 1882. This is an
exact photo replica of all the pages pertaining to Madison County, Illinois
including all of the historical and biographical information. Included are a
total of 242 different family biographies. (An additional 799 families are
included in the second book described below)
Here is just some of the information included:
- History of Madison County, Illinois
- Early Exploration of Madison County
- Madison County Population 1818 to 1880
- Early Transportation by Steamboats
- Railroads in Madison County
Chicago and Alton Railroad
Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway
Indianapolis and St. Louis Railroad
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
St. Louis, Vandalia & Terre Haute Railroad
The St. Louis Railroad Bridge
- Cahokia Indian Mounds in Madison County
- Pioneer Settlements in Madison County
French Settlement
American Settlement
- Monks of La Trappe
- Indian Troubles
- The Wood River Massacre
- Early Marriages 1814-1819 in Madison County
- Early Settlers Described
- Pioneer Customs
- Early Mills in Madison County
- European Immigration to Madison County
- Slaves and Indentured Blacks in Madison County
- Military Matters
War of 1812
Soldiers from Madison County
The Black Hawk War
Soldiers from Madison County
The Mexican War
Soldiers from Madison County
The Civil War
Civil War Soldiers from Madison County (very lengthy, detailed list)
- Schools in Madison County
- Churches in Madison County
- Madison County Township Histories: Alhambra Township, Chouteau Township, Collinsville Township, Edwardsville Township, Fort Russell Township, Fosterburg Township, Godfrey Township, Hamel Township, Helvetia Township, Jarvis Township, Leef Township, Marine Township, Moro Township, Nameoki Township, New Douglas Township, Olive Township, Omph-Ghent Township, Pin Oak Township, St. Jacobs Township, Saline Township, Venice Township, Wood River Township
- Cities, Towns and Villages in Madison County: Alhambra, Alton, Bethalto, Carpenter, Coal Branch, Collinsville, Edwardsville, Emerald, Fosterburg, Godfrey, Greencastle, Heintzville, Highland, Libertyville, Marine, Mitchell Station, Moro, Nameoki, North Alton, Pierron, Pleasant Ridge, Prairie City, St. Jacobs, Saline, Sebastopol, Troy, Upper Alton, Venice
- Partial List of Patrons
- Family Biographical Sketches
Included is a total of 242 Madison County, Illinois family biographies
including each of the following family surnames:
(numerous other family surnames are also mentioned throughout the text and within
these family biographies) (See the second book included
below for 799 additional family biographies): Abbott * Allen * Ambrosius * Anderson * Atkins * Atwater * Bailey * Barnet * Barnsback * Bartlett * Becker * Blakeman *
Boals * Boeschenstein * Bond * Bosomworth * Bradsby * Brown * Bruner * Brunner * Bulkley * Carter * Castagnetta * Chipron *
Clarke * Cole * Coles * Collett * Corey * Cotter * Coventry * Crossman * Daech * Dale * Davis * Delaplain * Denton *
Dooling * Dorsey * Dugger * Duncan * Dunn * Dunnagan * Ellis * Ellison * Emert * Estabrook * Fahnestock * Faires * Ferguson
* Flagg * Forman * Forrester * Foster * Frost * Fruit * Funderburk * Galt * Gerke * Giger * Gillespie * Gillham * Godfrey *
Gonterman * Grant * Gruaz * Hadley * Handlon * Hardy * Harnsberger * Harrington * Hauskins * Herb * Herrin * Hill * Hinch *
Hite * Hobbs * Hoefflin * Hoerner * Hotz * Howard * Howell * Hoxsey * Huestis * Ingham * Irish * Jarvis * Jeffress *
Joesting * Jones * Judd * Judy * Kendrick * Keown * Kinder * Kleinwort * Kyle * Lanterman * Leverett * Lindley * Lippincott
* Long *
Loomis * Luman * Lusk * Mason * May * McAlilly * McInerney * McKee * McMahan * McMannus * McPike * Merriman * Miller *
Mills * Minter * Mitchell * Montgomery * Moore * Morgan * Mudge * Nelson * Newell * Newman * Newsham * Nix * Norton * Olive
* Owens * Paddock * Parkinson * Pattison * Pearce * Perrin * Posey * Preuitt * Prickett * Purviance * Pyle * Ramsay *
Randle * Ray * Reaves * Renfro * Reynolds * Rhoads * Richmond * Ricks * Roach * Robinson * Rodgers * Roseberry * Sackett *
Sanner * Scarritt * Searcy * Semple * Sherwood * Sippy * Smart * Smith * Spaulding * Spies * Springer * Squire * Swett *
Tabor * Thorp * Tindall * Tonsor * Tontz * Trabue * Tunnell * Turner * Vincent * Voyles * Webb * West * Wilcox * Wood *
Worden * Wright * Yager *
Section Two of
three, all on one CD: The 1906 Plat Map Book of Madison County, Illinois
The 1906 edition of the Madison County, Illinois Plat Map Book by Geo. A. Ogle &
Co., Chicago, 54 pages features full color, large scale maps that show the
location of thousands of farms by the name of the owner. Includes 139 photos of
individuals and buildings. Cities, Towns, and Villages street maps also
included: Alhambra, Alton, Bethalto, Carpenter, Collinsville, East Alton, East
Granite, Edwardsville, Fosterburg, Glen Carbon, Godfrey, Granite City, Hamel,
Heintzville, Highland Village, Livingston, Lumaghi Heights, Madison, Marine,
Maryville, Moro, Nameoki, New Douglas, North Alton, Peters, Pierron, Prairietown,
St. Jacob, Saline, Sebastopol, Troy, Upper Alton, Venice, Worden.
Section Three of three,
all on one CD: The 1912 Centennial History of Madison County, Illinois and Its
People published by The Lewis Publishing Company
This large and detailed book (1207 pages) has an incredible amount of historical
and genealogical information
about Madison County, Illinois from its earliest settlement up to 1912. This is an
exact photo replica of all the pages pertaining to Madison County, Illinois
including all of the historical and biographical information. Included are a
total of 799 different family biographies. (An additional 242 family biographies are
included in the first book described above)
Here is just some of the information included:
- History of Madison County, Illinois
- Original Borders of Madison County
- Early Settlement of Madison County, Illinois
Under French Rule
Under English Rule
Under American Rule
- Madison County Government
- The Wood River Massacre
- The Anti-Slavery Contest
- Early Madison County
- Murder of Elijah P. Lovejoy
- Early Transportation in Madison County
- Madison County Newspapers
- Early Days in Madison County
- First Land Owners in Madison County
- Legend of the Piasau (Piasa)
- Slavery and Slave Holders in Madison County
- Schools of Madison County
- Cahokia or Monks’ Mound
- German Immigration to Madison County
- Military Matters
The Black Hawk War
The Mexican War
The Civil War
The Spanish-American War
- Churches of Madison County
- Madison County Townships: Alhambra Township, Alton Township, Chouteau Township, Collinsville Township, Edwardsville Township, Fort Russell Township, Fosterburg Township, Godfrey Township, Hamel Township, Helvetia Township, Jarvis Township, Leef Township, Marine Township, Moro Township, Nameoki Township, New Douglas Township, Olive Township, Omph-Ghent Township, Pin Oak Township, St. Jacob Township, Saline Township, Venice Township, Wood River
- Cities, Towns, and Villages in Madison County, Illinois: Alhambra, Alton, Benbow City, Bethalto, Carpenter, Collinsville (Unionville), Dorsey, East Alton, Edwardsville, Glen Carbon, Granite City, Highland, Livingston, Madison, Marine, Maryville, Mitchell, Moro (Hampton), New Douglas, New Switzerland, North Alton, Old Salem (Wanda), Pierron, Prairie City, St. Jacob, St. Morgan, Saline, Sebastopol, Troy, Upper Alton, Venice, Williamson, Wood River, Worden
- Family Biographical Sketches
Included is a total of 799 Madison County, Illinois family biographies
including each of the following family surnames:
(numerous other family surnames are also mentioned throughout the text and within
these family biographies) (See the second book included
above for 242 additional family biographies): Abbott * Abendroth * Abrosius * Adams * Adler * Ahrens * Aldous * Allen * Ambuehl * Ammann * Anderson * Antenen *
Armbruster * Armstrong * Arrington * Ash * Atkins * Aufderheide * Austin * Bailey * Baker * Ballinger * Bandy * Banks *
Barber * Bardill * Bardsley * Bargetze * Barnett * Barnsback * Barr * Bassett * Beall * Beck * Becker * Belk * Benbow *
Bender * Bernays * Bernhardt * Beste * Bettmann * Binney * Bischoff * Black * Blasé * Bloemker * Boals * Boernstein *
Boeschenstein * Bohm * Bonner * Boosinger * Bouse * Bowman * Boynton * Brackett * Brandes * Branding * Brandt * Braner *
Bratvogel * Braznell * Brenholt * Brensing * Brockmann * Brown * Bruckner * Bruene * Brunnworth * Buenger * Buente *
Buhrman * Burroughs * Cadwell * Caldwell * Canedy * Canisius * Carroll * Cary * Cassens * Cauger * Chapman * Childs *
Chipron * Clarke * Clawson * Clayton * Collins * Connole * Conrad * Cook * Copley * Coppinger * Corbett * Craig * Crane *
Crawford *
Crossman * Crouch * Culp * Cutter * Daenzer * Daiber * Darrow * Daudermann * Davis * DeBlois * Deck * Decosterd * De Forest
* Deibert * Deimling * Delicate * Dempster * Dewey * Dickinson * Dickman * Dickmann * Dickson * Dietz * Dinkmeier * Dinzler
* Dobbins * Doerper * Dolbee * Dorr * Dorris * Dorsey * Douglas * Drummond * Duffey * Duggan * Duncan * Dusenbury *
Dustmann * Eaton * Eberhardt * Edwards * Eeck * Eilert * Eisele * Elble * Elliott * Ellis * Ellison * Emerson * Enos *
Espenschied * Essenpreis * Evans * Everett * Faires * Farrell * Farrimond * Faulkner * Faulstich * Fekete * Felder *
Ferguson * Feutz * Fiegenbaum * Fields * Fitch * Flagg * Fletcher * Flynn * Foederer * Ford * Franck * Francy * Fricker *
Frohardt * Fruit * Gaertner * Garesche * Gates * Gauen * Geers * Geismann * Gerbig * Gerding * Gerke * Gerling *
Gieszelmann * Gillespie * Gillham * Gindler * Gippert * Gisler * Glock * Gonterman * Gornet * Gossrau * Goulding * Grayson
* Greenwood *
Groeteka * Grosenheider * Gross * Gruen * Guelich * Gueltig * Gwynn * Hack * Hackethal * Hadley * Haight * Hall *
Halliburton * Halter * Hanlon * Hardy * Harnsberger * Harris * Hart * Hartmann * Haskell * Hastings * Hauck * Hauskins *
Hautelmann * Hayden * Hayner * Hearne * Hediger * Heepke * Heiens * Heim * Heinemann * Helmkamp * Henke * Henry * Henze *
Herman * Herrin * Hess * Hessin * Hilker * Hillskotter * Hirsch * Hitz * Hochuli * Hoehn * Hoelscher * Hoelter * Hoerner *
Hoffmann * Holden * Holtmann * Holzweg * Homn * Hope * Horton * Hosto * Hoxsey * Hrubetz * Huber * Huetto * Hug * Humbert *
Huskinson * Hutchins * Ihne * Irish * Isaacs * Ittner * Jackson * Jageman * James * Jansen * Jarvis * Jaschke * Jeffress *
Job * Joesting * Johann * Johannigmeir * Johanntosettel * Johnson * Jones * Judd * Judy * Kabel * Kaemper * Kaenders *
Kaeser * Kahle * Kalbfleisch * Kapp * Kaufman * Kell * Kelsey * Keshner * Kinder * King * Kinzer * Kirsch * Kiser * Klaus *
Klemm * Knackstedt * Knebel * Kneedler * Knoche * Knoebel * Koch * Koepfli * Kohl * Kolb * Kording * Kraft * Krenzer *
Kreuter * Kriege * Kriger * Krite * Krome * Kruse * Kuhnen * Kunnemann * Kurz * Kyle * Landolt * Lane * Lange * Langworthy
* Lanterman * Lathy * Latowsky * Latzer * Lebegue * Leder * LeDuc * Lee * Leech * Leef * Lehne * Lemen * Leroy * Leu *
Leuscher * Leverett * Levis * Levora * Lexow * Leyden * Leyhe * Liebler * Link * Lippincott * Livingston * Lohmann * Long *
Loomis * Lorenz * Lowry * Ludwig * Lueders * Lueker * Lumaghi * Lusk * Lynch * Mabbs * Mackinaw * Maher * Maier * Malan *
Marcoot * Marks * Marti * Martin * Matthews * May * McCasland * McClure * McCormick * McDonald * McKee * McKinney *
McQuillan * Mead * Meier * Meinecke * Meiners * Merwin * Messerli * Metcalf * Metcalfe * Metz * Metzler * Mewes * Meyer *
Michael * Miller * Millett * Mollet * Montgomery * Moore * Morfoot * Morgan * Morriss * Mueller * Murphy * Nagel * Nash *
Neff * Nelson * Netzhammer * Neubauer * Neuhaus * Neumeyer * Newhaus * Newman * Nickerl * Niedringhaus * Niemann * Nixon *
Noonan * Norris * Norton * Ochs * O'Connell * Ohm * Olin * Olive * O'Reilly * Osborn * Oswald * Owens * Pagan * Palmer *
Paris * Parsons * Patterson * Paul * Paust * Pearce * Penning * Pepper * Perry * Peters * Pfeiffenberger * Pilz * Pizzini *
Plassmann * Pogue * Powell * Preuitt * Prickett * Priest * Primas * Quade * Raber * Ramsey * Randle * Rapp * Rath * Redford
* Reinemann * Rice * Richards * Riehl * Rinkel * Roberts * Robertson * Robinson * Rockwell * Rodgers * Roedger * Rohland *
Roman * Root * Roseberry * Rosenberg * Rosevear * Roth * Ruegger * Ruhr * Rutledge * Rutz * Ryder * Ryhiner * Sander *
Sauer * Sauvage * Sawyer * Scheibal * Scheurer * Schlechte * Schmidt * Schoeck * Schott * Schreifels * Schroeder *
Schroeppel * Schrumpf * Schwaab * Schwarz * Schweppe * Segar * Seitz * Selb * Semple * Setchanoff * Seybt * Shaffer *
Siegrist * Silver * Simms * Simon * Simpson * Sims * Sloan * Smith * Snyder * Soma * Sonntag * Sparks * Speckmann * Spilman
* Spindler * Springer * Squire * Stahl * Stallings * Stark * Starr * Steck * Stelzel * Stevens * Stocker * Strackeljahn *
Strasen * Streeper * Streif * Streuber * Strong * Studebaker * Suhre * Suppiger * Sutter * Sweetser * Sybert * Talleur *
Taphorn * Tegtmeyer * Terry * Tessler * Theodoroff * Theuer * Thomas * Thompson * Thrailkill * Threadgill * Thurnan *
Tibbetts * Tino * Todd * Tonsor * Trares * Trautner * Tribout * Troeckler * Trolliet * Tulley * Tuxhorn * Uelsmann * Uzzell
* Vaughn * Vogt * Voigt * Volz * Vorwald * Wade * Wadsworth * Walker * Ward * Warnock * Waters * Watson * Weber * Wedig *
Weidman * Weir * Weitkemp * Wendler * Wentz * West * Wetzel * Wheeler * Whitelaw * Whitney * Whitten * Widicus * Wiemers *
Wieneke * Wildi * Wilhelm * Willard * Willi * Williams * Williamson * Willman * Wing * Winter * Wirth * Wolf * Wright *
Wulfemeyer * Yager * Yanda * Yates * Yeakel * Yerkes * Young * Zellermann * Zika * Zimmerman * Zobrist * Zoelzer * Zoller *
Madison County is located in the Southwest portion of Illinois and is
surrounded by the following counties:
St. Louis County, Missouri * St. Charles County,
Missouri * Jersey County, Illinois * Macoupin County, Illinois * Montgomery
County, Illinois * Bond County, Illinois * Clinton County, Illinois * and St.
Clair County, Illinois
(click on highlighted county names for a complete description)
(An 1870 map of Madison County can be viewed here:
My Genealogy Hound )
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Madison County, Illinois from its earliest settlement up to 1912. Both of the books
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