Free Genealogy and Map Resources
County, Missouri History and Genealogy
742 pages of Linn County, Missouri history and genealogy including 408 family biographies plus 10 different maps featuring 33
Linn County, Missouri communities
An informative and historical overview of Linn County,
Missouri including three separate books on one CD which include 10
historical maps (1851, 1862, 1876, 1899, 1902, 1904, 1911, 1913, 1920's, 1929, and 1939)
showing the locations of 33 settlements; plus
the full 1882 Birdsall and Dean History of Linn County, Missouri book including
408 biographies plus the
full Portrait and Biographical Record of Clay, Ray, Carroll, Chariton and Linn
Counties, Missouri published in 1893 with 84 biographies for Linn County. An important resource for the study
and research of Linn County, Missouri history (including Civil War history) and genealogy.
searchable - find any name or location instantly!
This fascinating and detailed CD contains ALL
of the following material in three separate sections, ALL on one CD:
Section One of three,
all on one CD: Maps of Linn County, Missouri
Included here are the North Central region of Missouri sections of 10 different
historical maps:
A. A rare 1851 map that shows the area of Linn County, Missouri just
fourteen years after Linn County was formed. Location shown: Linneus *
B. A map of 1862 (during the Civil War) Linn County, Missouri showing the the locations of five settlements: Bottsville * Laclede * Linneus * North Salem *
St. Catharine *
C. A map of 1876 Linn County, Missouri showing the locations of 10 different settlements including all of the following: Bedford Station * Bottsville * Brookfield *
Bucklin * Grantsville * La Clede (Laclede) * Linneus * Northcutt * North Salem * St. Catherine (St. Catharine) *
D. A map of 1899 Linn County, Missouri showing the locations of 21 different settlements including all of the following: Boomer (Forker Station) * Brookfield *
Browning * Bucklin * Eversonville * Fountain Grove * Haseville * Hybrid * Laclede * Leverton * Linneus * Marceline * Meadville * New Boston * North Salem * Orlinda *
Purdin * Rodney * St. Catharine * Sedgwick * Shelby *
E. A map of 1902 Linn County, Missouri showing the locations of 17 different settlements including all of the following: Boomer (Forker Station) * Brookfield *
Browning * Bucklin * Eversonville * Fountain Grove * Haseville * Laclede * Linneus * Marceline * Meadville * New Boston * Orlinda * Purdin * Rodney * St. Catharine *
Sedgwick *
F. A map of 1904 Linn County, Missouri showing the locations of 25 different settlements including all of the following: Benson * Boomer * Brookfield * Browning *
Bucklin * Eversonville * Fountain Grove * Haseville * Hecla * Hybrid * Laclede * Leverton * Linneus * Lowell * Marceline * Meadville * New Boston * North Salem * Purdin
* Saint Catherine (St. Catharine) * Sedgwick * Shafter * Shelby * Sill * Snowdon *
The 1904 map of
Linn County can be viewed here:
Linn County, Missouri 1904 Map
G. A map of 1911 Linn County, Missouri showing the locations of 26 different settlements including all of the following: Benson * Brookfield * Browning * Bucklin *
Eversonville * Forker (or Boomer Station) * Fountain Grove * Garner * Haseville * Hecla * Hybrid * Laclede * Leverton * Linneus * Marceline * Meadville * New Boston *
North Salem * Orlinda * Purdin * St. Catharine * Sedgwick * Shafter * Shelby * Sill * Snowdon *
H. A map of 1913 Linn County, Missouri showing the locations of 20 different settlements including all of the following: Boomer * Brookfield * Browning * Bucklin *
Eversonville * Fountain Grove * Garner * Haseville * Hybrid * Laclede * Linneus * Marceline * Meadville * Needles * New Boston * North Salem * Purdin * St. Catharine *
Shafter * Shelby *
I. A map from the 1920's which includes details of where various tourist sites and service stations were located.
J. A 1929 map from the Missouri Department of Transportation. You will be amazed at how many of the major routes were only dirt or gravel! Shows the location of:
Brookfield * Browning * Bucklin * Eversonville * Fountain Grove * Laclede * Linneus * Marceline * Meadsville * New Boston * Purdin *
K. A 1939 map from the Missouri Department of Transportation. Shows the location of: Brookfield * Browning * Bucklin * Eversonville * Fountain Grove * Laclede *
Linneus * Marceline * Meadsville * New Boston * Purdin *
Section Two of three, all on one CD: The complete 1882
History of Linn County, Missouri by Birdsall and Dean
This detailed (742 pages in all) 1882 history has an incredible amount of historical and genealogical information about Linn County, Missouri from its earliest settlement
up to 1882. This is an exact photo replica of all the pages pertaining to Linn County, Missouri including all of the historical and biographical information. Included are
a total of 408 different Linn County, Missouri family biographies.
Here is just some of the information included:
History of Linn County
Early Settlers in Linn County
Early Settlement of Linn County
Black Hawk War
1837 - The Influx of Settlers in Linn County
1840 to 1850 - Names of Pioneers
The Mexican War
Company N, 2nd Regiment Mounted Volunteers
Location of the Linn County Seat
Highland County
Township Boundaries
The New Linn County Courthouse
Record of Linn County Officials
Linn County Schools
The Railroads in Linn County
Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad
Burlington & Southwestern RR
St. Joseph & Iowa Railroad
North Missouri Central Railroad
Patrons of Husbandry - The Grange
The Linn County Poor Farm
Population of Linn County
Soldiers of the War of 1812
Linn County Early Records
The Civil War and Linn County
First Federal Troops in Linn County
The Capture of Slack’s Cannon
First Confederate Troops
Military Operations of 1861
Leading Events of 1862
The Enrolled Missouri Militia
Leading Events of 1863
Holtzclaw’s Guerrillas
Leading Events of 1864
Skirmishes in Jackson Township
The Civil War Comes to an End
Linn County Union Soldiers and Their Military Units
Company F, 1st Calvary MO State Militia
Company F, 23rd Missouri Infantry
Company I, 23rd Missouri Infantry
Company M, 12th Missouri Infantry
Crandall’s Linn County Rangers
Company G, 38th Enrolled Missouri Militia
Company D, 62nd Enrolled Missouri Militia
Linn County Confederate Soldiers and Their Military Units
Company A, 3rd Regiment, 3rd Division Missouri State Guards
Company K, 2nd Missouri Infantry
Linn County Township Histories: Locust Creek Township * Brookfield Township
* Jefferson Township * Bucklin Township * Yellow Creek Township * Parsons Creek Township
* Benton Township * Clay Township * Enterprise Township * Baker Township * North Salem Township
* Jackson Township * Grantsville Township
Cities, Towns and Villages in Linn County, Missouri: Bear Branch * Bottsville
* Brookfield * Browning * Bucklin * Center Point * Enterprise * Eversonville * Garfield
* Grantsville * Laclede * Linneus * Meadville * New Baltimore * New Boston * North Salem
* Purdin * St. Catherine * Sedgwick * Sherman * Thayer * Wyandotte
Linn County Biographical Sketches
Included is a total of 408 Linn County, Missouri family biographies (valuable
for genealogy) including each of the following
(well over 1000 other surnames are also mentioned throughout the book text and
within these biographies): (see the additional book listed
in section three below for an additional 84 Linn County biographies):
To view a sample
biography from this book, click here Adams * Alexander * Anderson * Arbuthnot * Arnold * Atkinson * Bailey * Baker * Banks * Banning * Barbeling * Barber * Bargar * Barton *
Batchelor * Beebe * Benjamin * Benway * Bigger * Binford * Biser * Biswell * Bitteker * Black * Blossom * Boardman * Boles * Bolling * Bolton * Bosworth * Bowyer * Boyd *
Boyles * Bradley * Bradshaw * Brandenberger * Branson * Brawner * Brott * Brown * Browning * Brownlee * Brunemer * Buchanan * Bumgarner * Burgess * Burke * Cahn * Cantwell
* Carothers * Carter * Cary * Case * Cash * Cassity * Caton * Cave * Chesround * Childress * Chrisman * Christy * Clark * Clarke * Cline * Clough * Cochran * Cole *
Collins * Cooley * Cornett * Cory * Cotter * Crafton * Craig * Crain * Crampton * Crandall * Crawley * Creamer * Crowder * Dail * Darling * Daulton * Davis * Dick * Dobson
* Duncan * Eakin * Easley * Edwards * Elliott * Emanuel * England * Evans * Fain * Field * Finley * Fishback * Fletcher * Flood * Ford * Fore * Forman * Forrest * Gabel *
Gamble * Gardner * Garrett * Gartner * Gibson * Glenn * Goldman * Gooch * Goodale * Grafton * Grant * Green * Greer * Griffin * Guyer * Hague * Hainds * Haley * Hall *
Hallenberg * Hannan * Harris * Hart * Harvey * Hendricks * Hendrickson * Hicks * Hines * Hinton * Holsinger * Hoover * Horn * Howard * Howe * Hoyle * Hoyt * Hubbard *
Hudson * Huffaker * Hurlbut * Huston * Hyatt * Jacobi * James * Jenkins * Johnson * Jones * Kelley * Kelly * Kelsey * Kemp * Kennedy * Kimber * Kimbrough * Kniffin *
Laedlein * Laing * Lake * Lamb * Lambert * Lane * Lash * Lenhart * Lewis * Lineberry * Lithgow * Lockwood * Lomax * Long * Louthan * Madden * Maddox * Mahurin * Mairs *
Manewal * Marks * Martin * McArthur * McClanahan * McCollum * McEfee * McGowan * McKay * McKenzie * McNicholas * McQuown * Mellon * Meyers * Millar * Miller * Mitchell *
Moffett * Monroe * Moore * Morris * Moyer * Mullins * Murrain * Murray * Myers * Nickell * Nickerson * Northcott * Northcutt * Oneill * Ormitson * Ormsby * Oven * Parker *
Patterson * Peery * Pendelton * Penhall * Penn * Perkins * Perry * Philips * Phillips * Pierce * Porter * Post * Pounds * Powell * Powers * Prather * Pratt * Preston *
Prewitt * Purdin * Questa * Ravis * Rawlins * Reid * Reynolds * Rhein * Rice * Ridgway * Robbins * Roberts * Robinson * Robinson * Rodgers * Rogers * Rose * Rowell *
Rudder * Sandusky * Schenck * Scott * Scouton * Seaman * Shepherd * Shifflett * Shook * Sights * Simpson * Sleeper * Smiley * Smith * Southern * Spalding * Spurgeon *
Stains * Staley * Standley * Stephens * Stephenson * Steunkle * Stewart * Stillman * Stone * Story * Sturges * Summers * Swan * Taylor * Tharp * Thomas * Thompson * Thorne
* Thudium * Titus * Tooey * Tormey * Tracy * Trimble * True * Turner * Tyler * Walter * Ward * Waters * Watson * Waugh * Weed * Welsh * Westgate * Wheeler * Whitaker *
White * Wilcox * Willbarger * Wilson * Wise * Wolverton * Wood * Wright * Yount *
Section Three of three, ALL on one CD: The complete
Portrait and Biographical Record of Clay, Ray, Carroll, Chariton and Linn
Counties, Missouri published by Chapman Bros., Chicago in 1893
Includes this full book originally published in 1893 including all five
counties listed which includes 555 biographies and 740 pages. Included are
84 biographies for Linn County, Missouri: (see the
additional book listed above in section two for an additional 408 Linn County
To view
a sample biography from this book, click here Andrew * Bailey * Barclay * Bargar * Benefiel * Bingham
* Blossom * Bowyer * Bradley * Burchett * Burgess * Caywood * Crandall *
Crookshanks * Dick * Dodge * Donnenwerth * Duncan * Edwards * Evans * Fifield *
Finley * Forman * Gates * Gehrett * Gilson * Goodale * Goslin * Hannum * Harding
* Hartshorne * Harvey * Hassler * Hickman * Hill * Homan * Hopson * Howe *
Huffaker * Humphfers * Humphrey * Jessee * Johnson * Joyce * Leonard * Long *
Manewal * McChesney * McGowan * McNish * Meyer * Myers * Northcott * O'Neill *
Ormiston * Perry * Pound * Pratt * Prewitt * Putnam * Reaser * Rouse * Rowell *
Smith * Stauber * Stearns * Stuenkel * Taylor * Tooey * Torney * Tower * Turner
* Warren * Watson * Wigginton * Willbarger * Williams * Woolf * Woollen *
(For a full description of this book, click here:
Portrait and Biographical Record of Clay, Ray, Carroll, Chariton and Linn
Counties, Missouri)
Linn County is located in north central Missouri and bordered by:
County, Missouri * Chariton
County, Missouri * Macon County,
Missouri * Sullivan County, Missouri
* and Grundy County,
Missouri * (click on highlighted
county names for a complete description)
Each of the three sections on this CD is in Adobe Acrobat pdf format and requires
the free Acrobat Reader program to view. You probably already have this program
on your computer but if not, a free copy of the program is included on the CD.
Each of the books is designed to look just like a regular book and is bookmarked
to move easily and quickly from one section another. This CD was designed by, and is
available exclusively from Hearthstone Legacy Publications.
searchable - find any name or location instantly!
The cost for this CD containing of the sections described above is only $9.95
plus shipping, or only $5.95 as a digital download. A large amount of history and genealogy information for very
little cost! A truly fascinating view of Linn County, Missouri from its first
settlement to 1882.
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biographies available
To view a
sample biography from the 1893 Portrait and Biographical Record, click here
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