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Johnson County, Kansas History and Genealogy
More than 500 pages of Johnson County,
Kansas history and genealogy including 443 family biographies plus ten different
maps featuring 46 Johnson County, Kansas settlements
An informative and historical overview of Johnson County,
Kansas including three separate sections on one CD which include 10
historical maps (1851, 1862, 1883, 1886, 1899, 1902, 1905 (2),
1907, and 1911) showing the locations
of 47 settlements; plus
the full 1915 Standard Publishing Company "History of Johnson County, Kansas" book
by Ed Blair, including
209 family biographies; plus
the 1883 History of Johnson County, Kansas with 234 biographies from "The History of the State of
Kansas" book by William G. Cutler (published in 1883 by A.T. Andreas). An important resource for the study
and research of Johnson County, Kansas history (including Civil War history) and genealogy.
searchable - find any name or location instantly!
This fascinating and detailed CD contains ALL of the following material in
three separate sections, ALL on one CD:
Section One of three,
all on one CD: Maps of Johnson County, Kansas
Included here are the North East region of Kansas sections of 10 different
historical maps:
A. A rare 1851 map that shows the area of Johnson County, Kansas, ten years
before the State of Kansas was formed. The area that would become Kansas is
shown as then divided among the various Indian tribes. All spellings of
Kansas on this map are as Kanzas.
B. A map of 1862 (during the Civil War) Johnson County, Kansas showing the
locations of eight settlements: De Soto * Elizabeth T * Friends M * Gardner
* Lexington * Olatha (Olathe) * Princeton * Shawnee Mission *
C. A map of 1883 Johnson County, Kansas showing the locations of 21 different
settlements including the following: Black Bob * Bonita * Campbellton * Cedar Jct. * Choteau * Crozier * De Soto * De Soto Jct. * Gardner
* Glenn * Hector * Lenexa * Merriam Park * Monticello * Morse * Olathe * Prairie
Center *
Shawnee * Shawnee Mission * Stanley * Waseca *
D. A map of 1886 Johnson County, Kansas showing the locations of 12 different
settlements including the following: Cedar Jct. * De Soto * Edgerton *
Gardner * Glenn * Lenexa * Ocheltree * Olathe * Prairie City * Shawnee * Spring
Hill * Stanley *
E. A map of 1899 Johnson County, Kansas showing the locations of 17
different settlements including the following: Bonita * De Soto *
Edgerton * Gardner * Glenn * Lenexa * Meadow Brook * Morse * Newington * Ocheltree * Olathe * Phila * Shawnee * Spring Hill * Stanley * Stillwell * Zarah
F. A map of 1902 Johnson County, Kansas showing the locations of 16 different
settlements including the following: Cedar Jct. * De Soto * Edgerton *
Gardner * Holliday * Lenexa * Merriam * Mission * Morse * Newington * Ocheltree
* Olathe * Shawnee * Springhill (Spring Hill) * Stanley * Stilwell *
G. A map of 1905 (by Cram) Johnson County, Kansas showing the locations of 23
different settlements including the following: Bonita * Cedar Jct. * Cheltree * Choteau * Clare * De Soto * Edgerton * Elizabeth * Gardner * Holliday
* Lenexa * Mastin * Merriam * Monticello * Morse * Pleasant View * Prairie
Center * Shawnee * Spring Hill * Stanley * Stilwell * Wilder * Zarah *
H. A map of 1905 (by Peerless) Johnson County, Kansas showing the locations of
different settlements including the following: Bonita * Chouteau *
Clare * Corliss * Craig * Desoto (De Soto) * Edgerton * Elizabeth * Gardner *
Hector * Holliday * Jerusalem * Lackmans * Lenexa * Mastin * Merriam *
Monticello * Morse * Ocheltree * Olathe * Pioneer * Prairie Center * Shawnee *
Springhill (Spring Hill) * Stanley * Stillwell * Wilder * Zarah *
I. A map of 1907 Johnson County, Kansas showing the locations of 25
different settlements including the following: Bonita * Cedar Jct. * Cheltree * Chouteau * Clare * De Soto * Edgerton * Elizabeth * Gardner *
Holliday * Lenexa * Loring * Mastin * Merriam * Monticello * Morse * Olathe *
Pleasant View * Prairie
Center * Shawnee * Springhill (Spring Hill) * Stanley * Stilwell * Wilder *
Zarah *
J. A map of 1911 Johnson County, Kansas showing the locations of 18
different settlements including the following: Bonita * Clare * Corliss
(or Cedar Jct.) * De Soto * Edgerton * Gardner * Holliday * Kenneth * Lenexa *
Merriam * Morse * Ocheltree * Olathe * Shawnee * Spring Hill * Stanley *
Stilwell * Zarah *
Section Two of three, all on one CD: The 1883 History of
Johnson County, Kansas from The History of The State of Kansas by
William G. Cutler, published by A. T. Andreas
This detailed 1883 history has an incredible amount of historical and genealogical information about
Johnson County, Kansas from its earliest settlement
up to 1883. This is an exact photo replica of all the pages pertaining to
Johnson County, Kansas including all of the historical and
family biographical information. Included are
a total of 234 different Johnson County, Kansas family biographies - family histories.
Here is just some of the information included:
Partial Contents:
History of Johnson County, Kansas
Johnson County Boundaries
The First White Hunter in Johnson County
The Shawnee Indians
The Shawnee Indian Reservation
The First Settlers in Johnson County
The “Black Bob” Reservation
Early Political Troubles (pre Civil War - Border War)
The Civil War and Johnson County
Local Battles and Raids
Jennison’s Raid
Quantrill’s Raid
Johnson County Organized
Johnson County Officials (1857-1883)
Railroads in Johnson County
Shawnee Methodist Mission
Johnson County Cities, Towns and Villages:
De Soto
Prairie Center
Spring Hill
Johnson County Biographical Sketches
Included is a total of 234 Johnson County, Kansas family biographies including each of the following
family surnames:
(many other family surnames are also mentioned throughout the book
text and within these family biographies)
(an additional 209 family biographies are included in the
additional book described below on this page): Abbott * Addy * Ainsworth *
Allen * Anderson * Anderton * Archer * Armstrong * Artman * Balch * Barrett *
Beach * Beecroft * Bell * Boles * Bower * Brady * Breyfogle * Brickell *
Bronaugh * Brown * Burch * Burgess * Burns * Burris * Burton * Bushong * Caddy *
Campbell * Caress * Carpenter * Case * Casey * Castleman * Cave * Chamberlin *
Clemmans * Collins * Conboy * Cook * Coons * Corless * Cornatzer * Crooks *
Cross * Curtis * Davis * Dayton * Dennis * Dickson * Diehl * Dille * Dow * Dwyer
* Dyche * Earnshaw * Egelston * Ellis * Everett * Ewing * Eylar * Farnham *
Ferguson * Finch * Fisher * Foster * Frame * Fritz * Gaines * Garrett * Gasaway
* Gellett * Giffen * Gilbert * Glynn * Grim * Hadley * Haigler * Hall * Hamill *
Hancock * Harper * Harris * Haworth * Hayes * Hazlett * Heaton * Hedrick *
Hibbard * Hill * Hisey * Hoagland * Hogue * Holcomb * Hollenback * Hubbard *
Hull * Hundley * Hunting * Hutcheson * Hutchison * Jackson * Jessup * Johnson *
Julien * Julien * Kay * Keeler * Kelly * Kennedy * Kenton * Kirby * Knauber *
Kucker * Lamasney * Larrick * Laws * Leamer * Legate * Lewis * Lisle * Little *
Livermore * Lott * Lovell * Luellen * Lusher * Mackey * Mahaffie * Mann * Mardis
* Marquis * Marshall * Martin * Marvin * McBride * McCabe * McClintock * McKaig
* McNulty * Mead * Milburn * Miller * Millikan * Mitchell * Moon * Morrow * Nall
* Norvell * Ogg * Osborn * Oshel * Ott * Parker * Parmetar * Paul * Pearce *
Pellet * Perley * Perry * Pettegrew * Pickering * Pilcher * Pratt * Ramey *
Reitz * Reynolds * Robinson * Rogers * Rolf * Ryan * Schermerhorn * Scott *
Shean * Shedden * Sipes * Slaughter * Slusher * Smith * Snelling * Spratt *
Stahl * Stephenson * Stevenson * Stough * Stuck * Sylvester * Taylor * Tenison *
Theis * Thomas * Thompson * Thorn * Towner * Uhl * Vestal * Victor * Walker *
Wallick * Watts * Waugh * Wedd * Weikmann * Wertz * White * Wiedenman * Wiley *
Wilson * Wyrick * Young *
Section Three of three, all on one CD: The 1915 History of
Johnson County, Kansas by Ed Blair
This detailed (483 pages in all) 1915 history has an incredible amount of historical and genealogical information about
Johnson County, Kansas from its earliest settlement
up to 1915. This is an exact photo replica of all the pages pertaining to
Johnson County, Kansas including all of the historical and
family biographical information. Included are
a total of 209 different Johnson County, Kansas family biographies - family histories.
Here is just some of the information included:
Partial Contents:
History of Johnson County, Kansas
Primitive Period
Indian Tribes and Early Explorers in Johnson County
Indian Treaties
Black Bob Reservation
A Shawnee Tradition
Chief Blue Jacket
Early Trappers and Traders Johnson County
Indian Missions
Manuel Training School
Rev. Thomas Johnson
Charles Bluejacket
Joseph Park and Paschal Fish
Mission Abandoned
The Baptist Mission
The Quaker Mission
The Santa Fe Trail
Organization of Johnson County
Johnson County Officials 1863 to 1915
Border Trouble
Early Events and Institutions
First Marriage in Johnson County
Old Settlers of 1857 in Johnson County
Quantrill Visits Shawnee
The Civil War and Border War in Johnson County
General Order No. 11
Battle of Westport
Beginning of Quantrill’s Band
When Quantrill Raided Olathe
Quantrill on Way to Raid Lawrence
Spring Hill Looted
The Red Legs
Battle of Bull Creek
Battle of Blowhard
War-Time News Clippings
Grand Army of The Republic
Johnson County Public Schools
Railroads in Johnson County
Pioneer Railroad Builders
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad
Kansas Midland Railroad
What The First White Woman Saw
Early Day Events in Johnson County
Johnson County Cities, Towns and Villages:
De Soto
Overland Park
Spring Hill
Johnson County Biographical Sketches
Included is a total of 209 Johnson County, Kansas family biographies including each of the following
family surnames:
(several thousand other family surnames are also mentioned throughout the book
text and within these family biographies)
(an additional 234 family biographies are included in the
additional book described above on this page): Adair * Ainsworth * Allison *
Anderson * Azendorf * Bell * Berkshire * Black * Blair * Bluejacket * Bradley *
Bradshaw * Branick * Braun * Breyfogle * Brown * Bruner * Buckley * Burgess *
Burke * Busch * Caenen * Calvert * Carpenter * Carroll * Case * Cave *
Chamberlin * Champion * Clark * Coker * Cook * Cosgrove * Crawford * Dare * Day
* De Tar * De Vault * Delahunt * Deweese * Donham * Dowell * Dwyer * Edgington *
Elliott * Ellis * England * Fagan * Ferguson * Folmer * Foster * Fraser * Graham
* Graves * Gray * Greer * Hale * Hancock * Haney * Hannon * Harbour * Harrison *
Haskin * Hatfield * Hayden * Hedrick * Heider * Hendrix * Henry * Hershey *
Hodges * Hogue * Hollenback * Holmes * Howell * Huff * Huggins * Hundley * Hunt
* Irvin * James * Jessup * Johnson * Kellogg * Kelly * King * Klusman * Knabe *
Knox * Krumm * Kuhlman * Lansdown * Lanter * Legler * Lemen * Lesueur * Linn *
Little * Lorimer * Lott * Marty * Mathews * McAnany * McCann * McCarthy *
McClintock * McFeatters * McKaig * McKoin * Meredith * Miller * Millikan * Mize
* Moll * Moon * Moore * Mossman * Mower * Murdock * Murphy * Murray * Nall *
Nance * Newton * Noland * Ording * Pack * Parks * Pearce * Pellett * Pettyjohn *
Phillips * Post * Rankin * Rea * Rebsamen * Reeder * Riley * Rose * Rudy *
Rutter * Ruttinger * Ryan * Secrest * Sharpe * Shellhammer * Sheridan * Simpson
* Sitterman * Sloan * Smallwood * Smith * Sowers * Speer * Steed * Stephenson *
Strang * Strongman * Swank * Taggart * Taylor * Thorne * Tibbetts * Tillotson *
Todd * Toynbee * Turner * Uhls * Walker * Wallace* Walmer * Warner * Wedd *
Weeks * Wickens * Widmer * Wilkerson * Wilkinson * Williams * Wilson * Young *
Zehring * Zimmerman *
Johnson County is located in east central Kansas and is bordered by:
Jackson County, Missouri *
Cass County, Missouri * Miami County, Kansas *
Douglas County, Kansas * Leavenworth County, Kansas * and Wyandotte County,
Kansas * (click on highlighted county names for a complete description)
Each of the two sections on this CD is in Adobe Acrobat pdf format and requires
the free Acrobat Reader program to view. You probably already have this program
on your computer but if not, a free copy of the program is included on the CD.
Each of the books is designed to look just like a regular book and is bookmarked
to move easily and quickly from one section another. This CD was designed by, and is
available exclusively from Hearthstone Legacy Publications.
searchable - find any name or location instantly!
The cost for this CD containing all three sections described above is only $9.95
plus shipping, or only $5.95 as a digital download. A large amount of history and genealogy information for very
little cost! A truly fascinating view of Johnson County, Kansas from its first
settlement to 1915.
Shipping is only $1.95 for First Class Mail in the United States and Canada. If outside of the United States,
please contact us for shipping costs. We accept checks, money orders and all
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sample page
If you would like to see an
actual page from the Standard Publishing Company 1915 History of
Johnson County, Kansas book by Ed Blair included on this CD, simply email a request
Sample@HearthstoneLegacy.com to request a free sample page (sent to you by
email) and see the quality of this book on CD for yourself! Since we sell many
different Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and Tennessee County History CDs, please be sure to specify
that you wish to see the sample from the Johnson County, Kansas history.
How to order:
Both of the sections described
above are included on one CD for $9.95 plus shipping. If you wish to pay
by credit card, please use the shopping cart below (checkout goes to a secure
server.) Credit card orders may also be
placed by phone to Hearthstone Legacy Publications from 9 AM to 11 PM (Central
Time Zone) Monday thru Saturday at 816-204-7593. If you wish to pay by check
or money order, mail $11.90 ($9.95 for CD plus $1.95 shipping) to:
Hearthstone Legacy
PO Box 466
Branson, MO 65615
Since we offer many different Missouri, Arkansas,
Kansas and Tennessee county histories, please be sure to specify that you wish to order the
Johnson County, Kansas History, Genealogy and Maps CD. If ordering more than one CD, the shipping cost is $1.95 for the first CD plus
only 25 cents shipping for each additional CD purchased.
This CD is also available as a
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