St. John Cemetery near Concordia, Missouri in Lafayette County, MO Alternate name: St. John Evangelical Cemetery The St. John Cemetery is located a short distance northeast from Concordia, Missouri in east central Lafayette County, MO. Like the larger St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery in Concordia, Missouri, this cemetery also has the gravesites of a number of victims of Guerilla activity during the Civil War.A plaque at the cemetery marks a series of Civil War tragedies which took place in Concordia. The plaque reads as follows: CIVIL WAR CASUALTIES Buried in this vicinity of St. John Cemetery are eight victims of bushwhacker activity during the Civil War. Killed on August 23, 1864, was Christian Heinrich Ehlers. Killed on October 10, 1864 were Fr. William Dickenhorst, Heinrich Dierking, Conrad Scharnhorst, Wilhelm Bodenstab, Heinrich Wrede, Heinrich Diers, and Peter Heinrich Heerman. St. John Cemetery is located in a field off of the north outer road of Interstate Highway 70 between the Concordia (exit 58) and Emma (exit 62) highway exits. The cemetery can be clearly seen from the highway.
Views of St. John Cemetery near Concordia, Missouri
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