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Portrait and Biographical
Record of Northern Missouri
(this same book was also
republished in a later edition titled Portrait and Biographical Record of
Marion, Ralls, Pike Counties, Missouri)
This rare volume was originally
published in 1895 by C. O. Owen & Co. and includes family biographies in the following seven
Missouri Counties: Adair County, Lewis County,
Lincoln County, Macon County, Marion County, Pike County, and Ralls County
(the bulk of the biographies are
in Marion, Pike, and Ralls County)
A total of 786 pages with 553
family biographies in seven northeast Missouri Counties.
Also included are portraits and
biographies of each of the Presidents from George Washington to Benjamin
Fully searchable - find any name or location instantly!
(The entire book,
including all of the family biographies (valuable for genealogy) listed below from these seven counties
are included on one CD. See ordering details at the bottom of this page)
County, Missouri: (5 family biographies)
Baird * Link * Ringo * Still * Tinsman *
County, Missouri: (11 family biographies)
Barr * Lillard * Loudermilk * Nunn * Pulliam * Weatherly * White * Willis *
Wiseman *
County, Missouri: (1 family biography)
Bonfils *
County, Missouri: (15 family biographies)
Asbury * Beach * Bearce * Brock * Cunningham * Elsea * Gates * Guthrie * Hamel *
Herman * Hicks * Hudson * Owen * Reed * Richardson *
County, Missouri: (212 family biographies)
Albertson * Allison * Anderson * Arnold * Bacon * Baker * Ballinger * Banks *
Barber * Barkley * Baskett * Beatty * Bennett * Bishop * Bloomer * Bohon * Bower
* Bowles * Brittingham * Bross * Bulkley * Burditt * Carter * Cheney * Chilton *
Clark * Clouser * Cobb * Coleman * Conlon * Conn * Coontz * Corbit * Crane *
Cunningham * Curd * Darr * Davis * DeWitt * Dick * Dickason * Dickson * Drake *
Drescher * Drummond * Dubach * Dudley * Dulany * Dunn * Eby * Elliott * Ellis *
Feaster * Ferguson * Fountain * Frederick * Garth * Gash * Glahn * Glass *
Gosney * Gottmann * Green * Gupton * Hansbrough * Harrison * Hawker * Hawkins *
Hayward * Heath * Heather * Hedrick * Helton * Herriman * Heudpohl * Hickman *
Hilleary * Hollyman * Hull * Hummell * Humphreys * Hurst * Jackson * Jaudon *
Johnston * Jordan * Kabler * Keller * Kelley * Kempf * Kincaid * Kizer * Krummel
* Lafoe * Leach * Lefever * Lehenbauer * Lewis * Lockling * Lydick * Lyell *
Mallory * Maston * McClintic * McElroy * McKamey * McLeod * McLoughlin *
McPheeters * McPike * Miller * Minch * Miner * Mohr * Moore * Moriss * Morthland
* Moss * Mounce * Munger * Myers * Nelson * Newberry * Nichols * Nickell *
O'Donnell * Oviatt * Patton * Payne * Peak * Peiter * Pine * Pond * Pope *
Powell * Proctor * Ragar * Reager * RoBards * Rogers * Rohrer * Rowe * Schmidt *
Schnizlein * Schofield * Schroder * Scott * Settles * Seymour * Shaffer *
Shannon * Shields * Simmons * Smith * Smoot * Sosey * Spahr * Sparks * Spence *
Spratt * Staus * Sterling * Stewart * Stillwell * Suitt * Suter * Swisher *
Taliaferro * Taylor * Thomas * Turner * Tutt * Vogt * Voorhis * Walker * Waller
* White * Williams * Willis * Wilson * Wlecke * Wood * Yeager * Young *
County, Missouri: (157 family biographies)
To view a sample
biography from Pike County, click here
Aertker * Allison * Alvis * Anderson * Arthur * Ayres * Ball * Barnett * Beckner
* Biggs * Blackwell * Bondurant * Bowman * Bradbury * Branstetter * Brebner *
Brown * Bryson * Buchanan * Burch * Burkholder * Burnett * Burris * Caldwell *
Campbell * Carroll * Cash * Chapman * Coburn * Collins * Cronican * Crow *
Dougherty * Dowell * Elgin * Emerson * Estes * Fagg * Falk * Farmer * Findly *
Gansz * Gates * Gibbs * Givens * Green * Griffith * Grimmett * Harris * Hart *
Henderson * Hendrick * Hettich * Hicks * Higginbotham * Holliday * Hollingsworth
* Hudson * Hunter * Isgrig * Jamison * Johns * Johnson * Jones * Jordan * Keith
* Kincaid * Kirtley * Kling * Kramer * Lampton * Langston * Lewellen * Lewis *
Lindsay * Lonergan * Love * Lowry * Mackey * Mahaffey * Matson * May * Mayhall *
McAdams * McClure * McElwee * McIlroy * McLean * McPike * Moore * Naber * Nalley
* Olnhausen * Pearson * Penix * Pray * Pribe * Pritchett * Pryor * Purse *
Randolph * Reading * Rector * Rhea * Roberts * Rohr * Rose * Rowley * Royalty *
Rule * Scholl * Scott * Shannon * Simonson * Sisson * Smith * Staley * Stark *
Stephenson * Stone * Strother * Sutton * Tapley * Tinker * Tinsley * Tisdale *
Tombs * Tribble * Triplett * Unsell * Wilcoxen * Willis * Wise * Yager *
County, Missouri: (152 family biographies)
Alexander * Alford * Allison * Archambeau * Barr * Baxter * Beavers * Bell *
Biggers * Biggs * Bird * Bishop * Bland * Boarman * Bombeek * Bramblet * Briggs
* Briscoe * Burnett * Caldwell * Campbell * Christian * Cleaver * Coontz *
Crawford * Cupp * Dawson * Deckard * Dodd * Downing * Elliott * Elsea * Ely *
Elzea * Emison * Epperson * Evans * Fahy * Fanning * Fisher * Flowerree * Fuqua
* Gardner * Gentry * Goodwin * Graves * Gregg * Gregory * Haden * Hampton *
Hancock * Hardy * Hayden * Hendrix * Humphrey * Hurley * Inlow * Irick * Jackson
* James * Jameson * Jarman * Jones * Judy * Keach * Keathly * Keith * Keithly *
Kendrick * Kirtley * Lake * Lehenbauer * Liter * Magee * Mayhall * McElroy *
McGee * Megown * Melson * Menefee * Moore * O'Brien * O'Connor * Owen * Pettitt
* Phillips * Pickett * Quinn * Rector * Rice * Roland * Rouse * Roy * Salling *
Seely * Shelburne * Shepherd * Shoults * Smith * Spalding * Spaulding * Spencer
* Splawn * Stambaugh * Stout * Swigert * Underwood * Wallace * Waters * Watts *
Weaver * Welty * West *Westfall * Whaley * Wilson * Wood * Wright * Young *
This complete book, including all of
the above family biographies for all seven counties, is included on each of the following County
History CDs. Click on any of the county names below for additional
information and to purchase this complete book on CD:
Marion County, Missouri History and Genealogy
County, Missouri History and Genealogy
Ralls County, Missouri History and Genealogy
Free Genealogy and Map Resources