Patrick and Main Streets, Higginsville, Missouri This postcard view pictures the west side of the intersection of Patrick (now known as 20th Street) and Main Street. The T. M. Lake store is at left and the old City Hall building is at the right. The T. M. Lake building is still standing (2008) and still looks very much as it does in this postcard view. The T. M. Lake name on the building is still faintly visible. No publisher information is stated on the postcard. The postcard was not postmarked but dates from the early 1900's. A description of the T. M. Lake & Sons business from 1891 (before moving into the building pictured on the postcard):"T. M. LAKE & SONS, Dry Goods and Notions.—In a beautiful location on Russell street there is now being built a handsome building that will surpass anything of the kind in the city. This is known as the new American Bank Building, and a part of this is to be occupied by T. M. Lake & Sons. This firm is at present located in a part of the Merchant's Hotel, where it has been since its beginning. The new location, 25x100, will give them a handsome store, more in keeping with the elegant stock of goods carried. They make a specialty of dress goods, carry a large stock of both ladies' and gents' furnishings, and handle lace curtains and draperies. The firm consists of T. M. Lake and his sons, L. L. and L. H. Lake. Mr. Lake was born in Virginia, and was in the stock business in Lafayette County for some time before going to Eureka, Kas., in the dry goods business about ten years ago. He returned to Lafayette County and started in the dry goods business in Higginsville in March, 1891. Miss Bettie Lake, Mr. Lake's daughter, will make a specialty of fashionable dressmaking. Mr. Lake and his sons stand high in the community. T. M. and L. L. are members of the K. of P." (from: Historical and Descriptive Review of Missouri, Jno. Lethem, 1891, Kansas City)
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