Odessa Cemetery in Odessa, Missouri in Lafayette County, MO
The Odessa Cemetery is located in east central Lafayette County, on the east side of Odessa, Missouri. This is the largest cemetery in the Odessa area. The Odessa Cemetery also has the distinction of being the only cemetery in Lafayette County with the grave site of a Medal of Honor winner: Sgt. Joe C. Specker who was posthumously awarded the nations' highest honor for heroic action in World War II. The Sgt. Specker gravesite and monument is near the back of the cemetery.The Odessa Cemetery is on the east side of Odessa. Take the Interstate Highway 70 south outer road about one mile east of exit 38 to Odessa Cemetery Road and go south a short distance. The cemetery is on the east side of Odessa Cemetery Road.
Views of Odessa Cemetery in Odessa, Missouri
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