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The Missouri Ruralist
Reliable Directory of Marion and Ralls Counties, Missouri
This rarely seen volume was originally
published in 1921 by The Missouri Ruralist and includes 3468 family listings in
Marion and Ralls County, Missouri
A total of 306 pages with 3468
family listings in Marion and Ralls County, Missouri.
Jones, John R., Maywood R2: (Vera
James) Ch James, Albert; "Sunnyside Farm", Twp 59N Range 8W Sec 12 O160a (1866)
Tel. Bell Hannibal
Jones, John R. - Name.
Maywood R2 - Post office Maywood R. F. D. 2.
(Vera James) - Wife's maiden name.
Ch James, Albert - Children named James, Albert.
"Sunnyside Farm" - Name of farm.
Twp 59N Range 8W Sec 12 - Location of farm.
O160a - Owner of 160 acres.
(1866) - Lived in county since 1866.
Tel. Bell Hannibal - Telephone.
Additional sections of the
directory also indicate what types of livestock is raised (including the
specific breeds), what brand of car and/or truck is owned, what brand of tractor
is owned, what brand of lighting plant is used (no public utilities were in
rural areas in 1921), even what type of silo is used. A rare insight into the
lives of 3468 families in Marion and Ralls County, Missouri in 1921.
Fully searchable - find any name or location instantly!
(The entire book,
including all of the family listings (valuable for genealogy) listed below from both of these two counties
are included on one CD. See ordering details at the bottom of this page)
County, Missouri: (1707 family listings)
Abbot * Abright * Adam * Adams * Adderson * Ahland * Ahlers * Alexander * Allen
* Allison * Ambrose * Ameen * Ament * Amick * Anderson * Anton * Appal *
Armantrout * Arnett * Arnold * Arpp * Ashmore * Atkins * Atwood * Aylor * Bailey
* Baker * Baldwin * Ball * Ballinger * Ballue * Banks * Barnes * Barnett * Barr
* Barry * Barton * Baskett * Bates * Battson * Bauer * Baxter * Beckett *
Beckman * Beedle * Begley * Behring * Bell * Belmeyer * Bendsil * Benedict *
Bennhoff * Benson * Berry * Betz * Bevill * Bias * Biddleston * Bier * Bimson *
Birchfield * Bird * Bittlestone * Bixler * Blackburn * Blacketter * Blackwell *
Bligh * Bloomer * Boarman * Bock * Bockenfield * Bockhold * Bode * Boehl *
Boetzer * Bogar * Bogener * Bogt * Bohon * Boleach * Bolling * Bond * Bonta *
Booth * Boots * Bourne * Bovin * Bowen * Bowers * Bowles * Bowman * Boyer *
Bradshaw * Brady * Branch * Bremmer * Briscoe * Britton * Brocksmidt *
Brocksmith * Brooks * Bross * Brower * Brown * Brownell * Bruner * Bryan *
Buchanan * Buckwalter * Buhrkuhl * Bullet * Burditt * Burkhart * Busey * Bush *
Bybee * Bywaters * Calvert * Campbell * Cannon * Carlisle * Carpenter * Carpoll
* Carr * Carroll * Carson * Carter * Carver * Carwell * Cary * Case * Cash *
Cassidy * Cassill * Catron * Chamberlain * Chaney * Chatfield * Cheney *
Childress * Chilton * Chipman * Chittwood * Christian * Claggett * Clarence *
Clark * Clay * Clonser * Clough * Cobb * Cochrane * Coffey * Coleman * Collins *
Cook * Coons * Cooper * Coovert * Corder * Cort * Corzette * Couch * Courtney *
Courtwright * Coward * Crabill * Crain * Cramer * Crane * Creasey * Crichlow *
Crim * Crist * Critclow * Crook * Crossan * Cruser * Culver * Cummings *
Cunningham * Curless * Daggs * Dahlheimer * Dale * Daly * Dameron * Dammull *
Daniel * Daniels * Danner * Dant * Darley * Darnell * Darr * Davis * Dean *
Dearing * Decker * Deering * Defosse * Dehn * Dennis * Dick * Dill * Dingerson *
Dinwiddie * Disselhorst * Dodd * Dodds * Donelson * Donley * Doolin * Doolittle
* Dornes * Doscher * Dowell * Dowlin * Drake * Drebes * DuBois * Dudley * Dunn *
Durst * Dyer * Edmunds * Eger * Eggleson * Eisenberg * Elder * Ellis * Elsea *
Elwood * Elzy * Ensminger * Evans * Ewing * Exon * Faxon * Feaster * Feldkamp *
Fenton * Ferguson * Ferns * Fette * Fichtner * Fink * Fisher * Fitzpatrick *
Florence * Fogle * Ford * Forman * Foster * Fountain * Frankenbach * Franklin *
Frazer * Fredric * Freeman * Friedebach * Frost * Fry * Fuchs * Funkenbusch *
Fuqua * Gainer * Gallagher * Gant * Gardhouse * Gardner * Garner * Garrett *
Garrity * Gash * Gay * Gebhardt * Geer * Gehner * Gentry * Gerst * Gibbons *
Gibson * Giest * Gillespie * Givan * Gleen * Glendining * Godfrey * Godman *
Goehl * Goings * Goodnight * Goodrich * Gordon * Gosney * Gottmann * Graeve *
Grant * Graves * Gray * Green * Grideguth * Griep * Griesbaum * Griffin *
Griffith * Griffitts * Gross * Gruber * Grutter * Gulick * Gullion * Gupton *
Hack * Hadfield * Hagan * Hagerty * Hale * Hall * Hamilton * Hamlin * Hamline *
Handley * Hanley * Hanly * Hansbrough * Happel * Harding * Hardix * Harmon *
Harris * Harrison * Harsell * Hart * Hartwig * Hastings * Hatch * Hathaway *
Havener * Hawker * Hayden * Haydon * Hayes * Head * Healy * Hedstrom * Hehmeyer
* Heidbreder * Heine * Heitholt * Hendren * Herman * Herren * Herrmann * Hershey
* Hetzler * Hewitt * Hickam * Hickerson * Hickman * Hicks * Hilleary * Hills *
Himmell * Hines * Hinkson * Hirner * Hitch * Hitt * Hoehne * Hoenes * Hoffman *
Hogge * Holland * Hollyman * Holmes * Honea * Honekamp * Hook * Hopkins *
Hoskins * Houck * House * Houston * Howell * Hoylman * Huebotter * Hummell *
Huner * Hunter * Hurley * Hurst * Huser * Hutcherson * Iams * Ihrig * Ingraham *
Inlow * Jackson * Jacobs * James * Jarman * Jarrett * Jaspering * Jefferson *
Jeffries * Jennings * Jett * Johns * Johnson * Johnston * Jones * Jordan *
Julious * Kaden * Kaiser * Karr * Keck * Keeling * Keller * Kempf * Kendrick *
Kern * Kerrick * Kespohl * Kessell * Ketsenburg * Killebrew * Kimberley *
Kincaid * King * Kinzer * Kirby * Kirkham * Kizer * Klein * Klocke *
Knickerbocker * Knueppel * Koch * Koenig * Kohl * Kolthoff * Kraft * Kreider *
Kriegbaum * Kroeger * Kruse * Kuntemeyer * Lafoe * Lake * Lamont * Landis * Lane
* Lanius * Lanning * Laton * Lawrence * Lawson * Layne * Layton * Leach * Leak *
Leake * Lear * Ledbetter * Lee * Lefever * Leffert * Lehenbauer * Leindecker *
Lentz * Leonard * Lewallen * Lewis * Libbee * Lightbody * Lilly * Lindsey *
Lochman * Logal * Logan * Long * Longacre * Loomis * Lovelace * Lowe * Lucas *
Lucke * Luckenbaugh * Lugena * Lumley * Lydick * Lyell * Mackey * Maddox *
Mahoney * Maiden * Major * Mallory * Malone * Marksbury * Marksmann * Marshall *
Martin * Masterson * Matlock * Maupin * Mayes * Mayfield * McBride * McCabe *
McCalloch * McChristy * McClellan * McClintic * McCulloch * McDonald * McDowell
* McElroy * McElwee * McFarland * McGlasson * McGlaughlin * McKamey * McKee *
McLeod * McLoud * McPike * McSwiggin * McWilliams * Mead * Medcalf * Medley *
Meeker * Melson * Menger * Mersman * Messenger * Mette * Meyer * Meyers *
Michalls * Mikel * Milford * Miller * Minch * Minor * Mitchell * Mithof * Mobely
* Mohr * Mook * Moore * Moreland * Morris * Morthland * Morton * Mosley * Moss *
Mudd * Muffley * Mulkey * Munday * Murphy * Murray * Musgrove * Musick * Myers *
Nall * Neff * Nelson * Nevins * Newell * Nicely * Nichols * Nickels * Nielson *
Nixon * Noel * Oarp * O'Brien * O'Conner * Olsen * Olson * Orange * Ort * Osmus
* Ostendorf * Otten * Owens * Pangborn * Parker * Parsons * Patre * Paugh * Paul
* Paynter * Peak * Peiter * Pennewell * Pepper * Petrie * Peuster * Pflantz *
Phelps * Phillips * Ping * Pinkard * Pittman * Plank * Pollock * Pope * Poppe *
Porter * Potter * Potterfield * Powell * Powlett * Pryor * Purcell * Quick *
Quinn * Quisenberry * Ragan * Ragar * Ragland * Raleigh * Ralph * Ramsey *
Ransom * Ratliff * Ray * Razey * Reager * Reamy * Reber * Redd * Reddick * Reed
* Resa * Rhodes * Rice * Richards * Richmond * Riddle * Rigney * Rinehart *
Roach * Robbins * Roberson * Roberts * Robinson * Rogers * Rohman * Rollins *
Romig * Roschell * Rose * Rosenburg * Rothfuss * Rothweiler * Roy * Rubison *
Ruehling * Rupp * Ryan * Saffarrans * Sams * Samuel * Samuels * Sanders *
Sandifer * Sandridge * Saunders * Sawyer * Schaefer * Schaeffer * Schaffer *
Schaffnit * Schaich * Schaller * Schaney * Scheips * Schenck * Scherer *
Schilling * Schleiermacher * Schluckebier * Schmidt * Schnitger * Schoder *
Schoenburn * Schroder * Schroeder * Schuckman * Schude * Schull * Schultz *
Schwartz * Schwedes * Scothorn * Scott * See * Seger * Sellars * Seymour * Shade
* Shafer * Shaffer * Shank * Shanks * Shannon * Sharkey * Sharp * Shaw * Shay *
Shear * Sheer * Sheets * Shelton * Shoemaker * Shores * Shriver * Shuford *
Shults * Shumate * Sigler * Simmons * Simms * Singleton * Smallwood * Smith *
Smoot * Smyser * Snodgrass * Snyder * South * Sowers * Sparks * Spaulding *
Spence * Spooner * Spratt * Staats * Stanley * Stark * States * Staus * Steacey
* Steffen * Sterling * Stevens * Stevenson * Stewart * Still * Stillions *
Stimpson * Stoddard * Stolte * Stone * Stopp * Stout * Strate * Stratton *
Straub * Strothoff * Suitt * Suly * Summers * Summy * Suter * Swan * Sweeney *
Swigert * Swisher * Symmonds * Tarleton * Tate * Tatman * Tauney * Taylor * Teed
* Terpening * Terrill * Terry * Tewell * Thale * Thayer * Thomas * Thompson *
Thornburg * Thrasher * Thurman * Thurston * Thurwachter * Tillitt * Todd *
Tollman * Tonsor * Triplett * Trussell * Tucker * Tuley * Tully * Turner *
Twiehaus * Tyler * Utterback * Va Leu * Vahle * Vail * Vanarsdall * Vance *
Vanlandingham * Vannice * Vannoy * Vaughn * Vickery * Voepel * Vogt * Wadsworth
* Waggner * Wagner * Wakefield * Waldhaus * Walker * Wall * Waller * Walley *
Wallis * Walters * Ward * Warren * Washington * Waters * Watkins * Watson *
Watters * Watts * Weatherly * Webb * Wehmeyer * Welch * Weller * Wells * Welsz *
Wenger * Wenneker * Werner * West * Wharton * Whiston * Whitaker * White *
Whitson * Whitt * Wibble * Wickancamp * Widebrook * Wilcox * Wilkinson *
Williams * Willing * Willows * Wilson * Wingfield * Wires * Wiseman * Withers *
Wittmar * Wood * Woods * Woolf * Woolfe * Worley * Wren * Wright * Yackley *
Yager * Yarbrough * Young * Youngreen * Zeigler * Zipse *
County, Missouri: (1761 family listings)
Abbay * Abbel * Abby * Abell * Adams * Adkisson * Albright * Aldrich * Alexander
* Alford * Allen * Allison * Amen * Amidon * Anderson * Apel * Archambeau *
Ardrey * Armstrong * Arnoldy * Arthland * Arthur * Asbury * Ashby * Ashcraft *
Asher * Averill * Aylor * Babb * Bailey * Baintor * Baker * Baldwin * Banhoy *
Barger * Barks * Barnard * Barnes * Barr * Batty * Baymiller * Beal * Beavers *
Bell * Bellville * Benedict * Benn * Benns * Benson * Bergschneider * Berlin *
Berrey * Berry * Beshears * Biba * Biggers * Biggs * Bimker * Binns * Bird *
Bittleston * Black * Blake * Blakeman * Bland * Blohm * Bloodgood * Bloomfield *
Boaz * Bogue * Boling * Bontz * Booker * Boren * Borr * Boss * Bottorff *
Boulware * Bowles * Bowling * Boyce * Boyd * Boyer * Boyle * Brackley * Brady *
Bramblett * Branstetter * Brashears * Braxton * Breen * Bridgeman * Briggs *
Bringmeyer * Brinkmeier * Briscoe * Brooks * Brothers * Brown * Brummer * Brydon
* Bryning * Buckner * Budd * Bunte * Burch * Burditt * Burns * Burroughs * Bush
* Butler * Caldwell * Calhoon * Calvert * Campbell * Carlson * Carpenter * Carr
* Carstarphen * Carter * Caswell * Cernea * Chaffee * Chandler * Chase * Chinn *
Chisham * Chittum * Chitwood * Christ * Christensen * Clark * Clary * Clayton *
Cleaver * Cliffmiller * Cobbs * Coil * Cole * Coll * Colley * Colliver * Comden
* Conn * Cook * Cooper * Corethers * Corwine * Coss * Costigan * Couch * Courod
* Cowden * Cox * Cragen * Crandall * Crawford * Creason * Criggler * Crigler *
Crockett * Crohn * Crook * Crooks * Crose * Crousore * Crow * Crowe * Cunningham
* Cupp * Curran * Cutsinger * Daniel * Dant * Davis * Dawson * Day * De La Porte
* Deckard * Decker * Dehoban * Denkler * Denmark * Deverman * Dickensheets *
Dimmitt * Dixon * Dodd * Dodge * Donel * Dowell * Drohman * Dryden * Dudgeon *
Dudley * Dugger * Dugmore * Dumbauld * Duncan * Dunn * Duple * Durbin * Dwyer *
Dye * Eales * Eaton * Eddingfield * Edwards * Eichor * Elam * Elliott * Ellis *
Elsden * Elwood * Ely * Elzea * Engel * Engle * English * Epker * Epperson *
Essex * Ettner * Evans * Ewing * Fairfield * Falk * Fanning * Farnsworth *
Farren * Fau * Faukner * Feldkamp * Felekamp * Fertch * Fesler * Field * Fielder
* Fike * Finch * Fincke * Finley * Fisher * Fitchen * Fitzpatrick * Fletcher *
Flowenee * Floweree * Flowerree * Floyd * Ford * Foreman * Foster * Fowler *
Franke * Franzen * Frazer * Freiling * Fry * Fuqua * Galloway * Gardner *
Garnett * Gaskin * Gatewood * Gatson * Geery * Gentry * Gibbons * Gibbs *
Giboney * Gibson * Gilbuck * Gilcrest * Gillain * Gillum * Gingry * Girard *
Glascock * Goodwin * Gordon * Gore * Gould * Graffort * Graham * Graville *
Grawey * Gray * Greathouse * Greaves * Green * Greeves * Gregg * Gregory *
Griffen * Griffin * Griggs * Grigsby * Grisham * Haden * Hagan * Hagar * Haley *
Hall * Hallenberger * Hamil * Hamill * Hamilton * Hampton * Hancock * Hannaford
* Harber * Hardy * Harelson * Harlinger * Harlow * Harrington * Harris *
Harrison * Hart * Hartigan * Hartley * Hartman * Harvey * Harwood * Hascall *
Hawkins * Hawkinson * Haycraft * Haydan * Hayden * Hayes * Hays * Heacock *
Heckart * Hedberg * Heinicke * Helis * Helmschrott * Helwig * Henderson *
Hendrix * Henron * Herman * Herring * Herron * Herrying * Hess * Hesser *
Hickart * Hicklin * Hickman * Hicks * Hightower * Hill * Hillhouse * Hilt *
Hirner * Hitz * Hoak * Hobbs * Hodge * Hodges * Hoffman * Hoffmeier * Holcomb *
Holliday * Holman * Holt * Hopkins * Horn * Horstmeyer * Hosstetter * Hould *
Houston * Howald * Howard * Hubbard * Huff * Huffman * Hufford * Hull * Hulse *
Humphrey * Huner * Hunt * Huntley * Hurley * Huse * Ihrig * Ince * Indorf *
Inlow * Isman * Jackson * Jacobs * James * Jameson * Janhouer * Jarman * Jeffers
* Jenks * Jett * Jewell * Johnson * Johnston * Jones * Judy * Kaizer * Kane *
Karcher * Kauble * Keach * Keith * Keithley * Keller * Kelly * Kendall *
Kendrick * Kennedy * Kerth * Kimes * Kincaid * King * Kirtlink * Kisoe * Klever
* Klise * Knox * Kochling * Krigbaum * Kropf * Kurz * Laferty * Laird * Lake *
Lamberson * Laming * Lane * Langferd * Large * Larson * LaVoo * Lawson * Laylin
* Layman * Leake * Ledbetter * Ledford * Lee * Lefever * Lehenbauer * Lemon *
Lemons * Lennox * Letcher * Lewellen * Lieurence * Lindsey * Link * Linn * Liter
* Littell * Little * Littlepage * Livers * Lock * Loehrke * Loertterle *
Logerman * Logothetis * Lonergan * Long * Longanecker * Loomis * Lowe * Lucas *
Luft * Luth * Lynch * Lyng * Lynn * Mabry * Madax * Madden * Maddox * Mahana *
Mahaney * Mahood * Mancke * Manroy * Maple * Marlow * Marshall * Martin * Mason
* Masson * Mathews * Matson * Mattingly * Mayer * Mayes * McAdams * McAllister *
McClintock * McCollum * McCoy * McCune * McDannell * McDannold * McDonald *
McDowell * McElheran * McElroy * McFarland * McGartland * McGee * McGlothin *
McGraw * McGrew * McKee * McLarighlin * McLaughlin * McNary * McNeal * McPharson
* McPherson * McPike * McWhirt * Meakley * Mechlin * Mefford * Megown *
Meinhardt * Melloway * Menfee * Merrell * Meyer * Milam * Miller * Millon *
Mills * Milstead * Mimick * Mines * Minor * Mitchell * Mohn * Montgomery * Mooma
* Moomaw * Moore * Morawitz * Morgan * Morley * Morris * Mosely * Moss * Moyers
* Mudd * Muehring * Muldrow * Mulherin * Mulvihill * Munson * Murphy * Murray *
Myers * Neal * Neely * Nelson * Newell * Newlon * Nichols * Nicholson * Nilson *
Nolan * Nolte * Norfolk * Norris * North * Northcutt * Northup * Norton * Nutt *
O'Brien * O'Connor * O'Dell * O'Donnell * Oglesby * O'Keefe * Oliver * Omer *
O'Neal * Organ * Osborne * Osterhoust * Owen * Owens * Pabst * Painter *
Pallises * Palmer * Palow * Palton * Paris * Park * Parrish * Parsons *
Patterson * Pattrick * Payton * Peak * Peer * Peirce * Pendleton * Peregoy *
Perkins * Peterson * Pfiffner * Phillips * Pierce * Pilkington * Pimbley *
Pittiman * Pitts * Poage * Powell * Price * Priest * Pritchett * Quinn * Radman
* Ragan * Rahr * Ransdell * Rauh * Reager * Rector * Reed * Reid * Reighley *
Resa * Rhodes * Rice * Richardson * Riddle * Ridings * Riefesel * Riggs *
Righter * Riley * Riney * Rinker * Rissmiller * Robbins * Roberts * Robertson *
Robinson * Robison * Rodgers * Rohr * Roland * Romberg * Rose * Rosenstengel *
Ross * Rosser * Rouse * Ruby * Ruhl * Rupp * Russell * Ryan * Saats * Sanders *
Sapp * Saur * Scarff * Schaffer * Scheiner * Scheips * Schnilton * Schrand *
Schultz * Schwartz * Scobee * Scofield * Scott * Seely * Segrass * Selleck *
Shannon * Sharp * Shaver * Shaw * Shelburne * Shepherd * Shoemate * Shohoney *
Shores * Short * Shotton * Shotwell * Shrum * Shuck * Shulse * Shults * Silver *
Simpson * Sims * Sinklear * Sinlear * Small * Smashey * Smith * Snell * Snider *
Snow * Sorrell * Spalding * Speckman * Spencer * Spenny * Spotts * St. Clair *
St. John * St. Vrain * Staats * Staffee * Stafford * Stanley * Stark * Starks *
Starr * Stedman * Steen * Steinman * Stenart * Stephens * Stevens * Stevenson *
Steward * Stewart * Stillwell * Stolte * Stone * Stoner * Storey * Stout *
Straub * Strode * Stuart * Stuller * Sulgrove * Sullivan * Sulliver * Sulse *
Sutton * Swan * Swank * Sweezer * Swigert * Swofford * Talton * Tanzey * Tapley
* Tate * Taylor * Tenney * Thomas * Thompson * Thornberg * Thorpe * Thurston *
Tice * Tifton * Tighe * Tillitt * Tilman * Timberlake * Timmons * Tischer *
Tompkins * Tompson * Towels * Trabul * Trussell * Tucker * Tuley * Turnbough *
Turnbull * Turner * Tutt * Tuttle * Underhill * Unsell * Utterback * Valentik *
Van Ness * Vanderlinden * Vanwinkle * Walker * Walkup * Wallace * Walter *
Walters * Walton * Warcup * Ware * Warren * Wasson * Waters * Waterson *
Waterston * Watson * Watts * Weakley * Weaver * Webb * Webster * Weekly *
Wegehoft * Welch * Weldy * Wells * West * Westfall * Whalen * Whaley *
Whitecotton * Wickancamp * Wickershaw * Wike * Wilard * Wilkinson * Williams *
Wilson * Winders * Windslow * Winfree * Winn * Winsborough * Wise * Wisehart *
Wissinger * Wolfenbarger * Wood * Woodhurst * Woods * Woodson * Woollen *
Woolwine * Wormley * Wright * Wybrant * Yager * Yahns * Yancey * Yater * Yeage *
Yeager * Young * Zeiger * Zugras * Zumwolt *
This complete book, including all of
the above family biographies for both counties, is included on each of the following County
History CDs. Click on either of the county names below for additional
information and to purchase this complete book on CD:
Marion County, Missouri History and Genealogy
Ralls County, Missouri History and Genealogy