Berlin, Missouri (Lafayette County, Missouri) A description of Berlin from 1874:"Berlin, on the Missouri River, 8 miles e. n. e. of Lexington, and 2 miles n. of Dover, for which place, and the surrounding rich country, it is the shipping point by river, was incorporated March 1854. The exports during the year 1873 were as follows: wheat, 40,000 bushels; hemp, 600 tons; hogs, 1,490; cattle, 100; corn, 30,000 bushels; and sundries valued at $15,000." (from Campbell's Gazetteer of Missouri, R. A. Campbell, St. Louis, 1874)The settlement of Berlin no longer exists. The Berlin post office operated from 1857 to 1859. Another settlement by the name of Berlin exists in Gentry County, Missouri.
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