The Arcade Hotel, Higginsville, Missouri This postcard view pictures the old Arcade Hotel which was located opposite of the Chicago & Alton Railroad Depot. A barber shop can be seen on the ground floor of the hotel. Published by James E. Koppenbrink, Higginsville, Missouri. Printed in Germany. This postcard is postmarked 1921. A description of the Arcade Hotel from 1891:"ARCADE HOTEL, W. H. Dooley, Proprietor.—This house is a handsome three-story brick, with wide veranda around the second story. The floors of the office, corridor and washroom, are of tessellated marble. The dining room has large windows opening on the South and West and seats ordinarily about fifty people The kitchen and work rooms are North of the dining room. A capable man "chef" is employed. All the windows of the house have inside blinds. There are thirty beautiful bedrooms. Electric bells are all over the house. A night and day clerk are employed. Mr. Dooley has another hotel, called Hotel Dooley, formerly the Merchants, reserved for family trade. This popular gentle man is a native of Kentucky. He was formerly at Sweet Springs, and is a most genial and entertaining host. In connection with the hotel he runs the Eclipse Livery Stables, Dooley & Crawford. Mr. C. is also a Kentuckian, resident in Missouri thirty years. He was one of Joe Shelby's brigade, and is a first-class horseman. " (from: Historical and Descriptive Review of Missouri, Jno. Lethem, 1891, Kansas City)Click on the links below to explore other areas: Lafayette County, Missouri History and Genealogy (including Higginsville, MO) Lafayette County, Missouri History Lafayette County, Missouri Locations Higginsville, Missouri Home Page |
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